Arenas hero image

For Music Businesses

Artists who idolize your brand are spending money on generic creator services, but they Would rather spend it on a platform where they can get noticed by you.

With significant experience in the artist services space, Beatchain can make that a reality, and help you conquer the $4Bn unsigned artist market.

/ Revenue

Grow your Revenue

Independent artists COuld be paying for services and generating royalties in your environment, instead of with generic service providers.

keep a cut of all the revenue generated in your community:

Digital distribution icon
Distribution Fees

One-off payments to publish a release

Royalty processing fee icon
Royalty processing fees

A cut of streaming royalties

Ad spend commission icon
Ad Spend Commission

Placement fees on each campaign

Third party affiliates icon
3rd Party Affiliates

Revenue fROM affiliate links to other service providers


services to meet your goals

We use our versatile technology to offer a range of service levels to match your ambitions:

Run a label

Stay on top of your artists' entire digital footprints  from one login.

Easily Switch between acts to  Manage distribUtion, royalty splits, Smart Links, digital ads, social analytics and more.

Audition new talent

Invite promising acts to Distribute and pRomote in your own branded environment and keep tabs on their social media and streaming data.

Build your A&R Pipeline with zero risk or commitment.

Offer opportunities, mentoring and Education to the artists with the most potential.

BUild Huge Communities

Leverage your brand to attract thousands of acts into your own Artist Services platform.

Encourage artists To generate revenue in your branded environment instead of with generic services, by Offering unique prizes and opportunities.

your community competes to earn points, climb the leaderboard, and get noticed by you!